Showing posts with label America. Show all posts
Showing posts with label America. Show all posts

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Digital Dumping Ground

This is the ground reality of poor countries. E-wastes are being dumped in developing countries in Africa and Asian countries like China, India, Pakistan etc. E-wastes are toxic and harmful to human health. People in these countries have to suffer from the technology and facilities used by people in Europe and America. This is not fair. Where ever the waste is generated, it has to be managed there. Please watch the video below by FRONTLINE.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

President Barack Obama 2009 Inauguration and Address

Past week America made another history. Barack Hussain Obama took oath of office and he became President of America from president elect. A African American on the post itself is big change in the history. Nobody had thought this day would come true soon. A hard working man from "not good family-because of his father and mom" achieved this success in dramatic way.

He has shown hope to not only the people of America but also to the people of world. There are number of big problems America is facing and he has to work hard to fix these problems. There is no guaranty that he can solve some of the problems but I think he will try his best. The above video is his Oath taking ceremony and his address to millions of people who waited for hours in cold weather outside the place.

All the best Mr. Obama.