Sunday, September 13, 2009

Mind over Matter: Brain Computer Interface

Brain Computer Interface is one of the challenge lying at the fore front of today's research.
We all know that our brain sends and receives numerous amount of signals from different parts of the body. Out of which, useful signals are picked up and are used in activities such as planning and movements as well as other activities. For people with severe neural diseases the brain-body communication might not be as easy as for the healthy person. So, even if the brain wants to send out the signal, decrypting what you are thinking in real time is really a huge challenge. This is challenging since you have to find the message deeply buried in the noise of the signals that the neurons are producing. It is just like talking at the busy railway station where everyone needs to talk: may be much more complicated than that. They are talking in some coded language and you need to understand it.

Fortunately, today's processing power of computer and advancements in research is making it possible.

Please watch a nice presentation by Stanford Research Group:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. In the story Bug Park by James Hogan, a fully articulated bug sized robot was moved by thought alone.(I envision fully engaged eye gaze as well.) Jurassic Park may be a dream, Bug park could be a reality.

  3. @coronthians: Thanks for your note.
    People had thought aboout BCI as dream too...
    There should be no harm in dreaming
